Removing Obstacles to Insight & Understanding

The origins of Mechdyne’s AV and VR (virtual reality) business unit began in 1996. Mechdyne started as specialists helping to solve the world’s most complex research and development challenges with advanced virtual reality (VR) solutions. Today this group applies its innovative expertise to exacting and ambitious audio visual systems as well.  While our experience with displays, software, computing, and networks enables this team to develop and deliver turnkey solutions at any scale, we excel at the audacious.  We have provided multiple world-first systems for large-scale VR and advanced AV and continue to lead the way with innovative solutions every day.

We focus on use cases, workflows, and client objectives first and technology second. We strive to deliver solutions that meet the needs and solve our clients’ challenges. Our focus on end-users elevates technology utilization rates and ensures high returns on technology investments. We maintain vendor neutrality, allowing us access to the technologies necessary to provide the right solution, not those that will financially benefit us the most.  

We are a leading, world-class technology partner that uses only well trained Mechdyne teammates to execute projects for our clients. Our objective is to maintain the highest levels of quality control during every step of the delivery process. Disciplined processes and exceptional project management ensure even the most demanding projects are delivered on schedule and on-budget, locally and globally.     

AV and VR Solutions is one business unit within Mechdyne Corporation, a broad-based technology partner that helps global clients remove obstacles to insight and understanding. Mechdyne’s business units provide comprehensive, customized solutions that also include IT & Audiovisual Services, Software Services, and Engineered Display Structures

Our Values

Honesty and integrity
in everything we do.

Our people are number
one. Treat each other
well, expect a lot, and
good things will follow.

Contribution and
responsibility to the
communities in which
we live.

Excellence in The Four
P’s: Positive Attitude.
Proactiveness. Process.

Profit and growth as a
means to make all the
other values and
objectives possible.

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Safety Matters

We work hard to make sure our team operates in safe work environments and that our visitors and customers have a safe experience, too. All of our delivery processes, services, and solutions meet the industry’s best safety practice standards.

We’re members of ISN, a trusted global resource that connects organizations with safe and reliable contractors from established industries. ISN members include energy supermajors, construction firms, and others who demand stringent, daily safety practices. We’re proud to be listed on ISN’s online database, ISNetworld, for having met those requirements. Mechdyne has been meticulously vetted for our adherence to safety, procurement, sustainability, quality, and regulatory standards by a trusted outside source committed to creating reliable work relationships.