Ames Public Library

Ames, Iowa

Digital Signage & Technology Upgrades

  • Expand collaboration opportunities

Ames Public Library


Today’s libraries are no longer dark hallways filled with heavy books and staff hushing patrons talking in whispers. Two years ago, Ames Public Library decided to break this traditional mold with their Library Renewal Project. Located down the road from Iowa State University, home of the C6 CAVE and thousands of STEM students, the Ames Public Library is home to a community ready to embrace innovation. However, besides the university, options for collaboration spaces within the community were limited. As part of the Renewal Project, the Ames Public Library decided to add innovative AV technology to expand collaboration opportunities.


Through partnership with Mechdyne, the library integrated new digital signage and technology to facilitate collaboration and content sharing. Mechdyne’s professionalism, work ethic, and responsiveness impressed both library leadership and patrons. While installing the new equipment, technicians kept disruptions to a minimum; library leadership did not receive any complaints for the first time. Mechdyne provided 26 flat screens—ranging from 32-inch to 84-inch— including wall mounts, audio speakers, headphones, media players, and 16 Apple TVs.

Training and demonstrations occur in meeting rooms. Patrons plug their laptops into the monitors to work together in study rooms. Teenagers bring gaming equipment to hook up to screens in the shared spaces. “Anybody can come in here and be successful,” says library director Lynne Carey. “We had a group comment that this was the best public meeting room they’ve ever used anywhere. That is partially attributed to the technology provided by Mechdyne.”