Company Brings Complex Interactivity and Behaviors to Models and Simulations for Use with Immersive Displays such as CAVEs, Powerwalls, Head-Mounted Displays.
Mechdyne Corporation, an advanced visualization powerhouse and pioneer in immersive display systems, is extending its capabilities in creating virtual worlds and converting data into spectacular visualizations. With its proven track record of providing turn-key virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) solutions, the company takes an agile approach to content development for everything from 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models to training simulations and scientific data visualization.
The Mechdyne software team is trusted by Fortune 500 companies to harness the power of the latest commercially available game engines to bring compelling experiences that reduce costs, accelerate schedules, and improve safety. Whether it is working with an architect to demonstrate what the view would be from a particular window in a building being designed, or working with maintenance management to train technicians on how to troubleshoot a complex engine or detect leaks in a power plant, Mechdyne develops realistic immersive visualizations that support critical decision making and speed learning processes.
“We make a commitment to uncovering our clients’ vision and working closely together to define the user experience,” said David Gsell, General Manager of the Software Business Unit at Mechdyne. “Our highly skilled and creative software team follows a collaborative process, whether starting from scratch or using an existing model. We build content incrementally and implement a continuous feedback loop to ensure that development is always on track and aligned with our client’s vision.”
The Mechdyne team is adept at importing multiple CAD applications and other 3D model formats into complex, interactive VR/AR environments for large-scale display systems such as CAVEs and Powerwalls as well as head-mounted displays. They typically use game engines such as Unity and Unreal to author experiences and have developed the getReal3D™ plug-in that makes Unity compatible with large-scale VR systems.
For entertainment, research, and industrial applications Mechdyne brings a wealth of expertise to developing original experiences as well as assigning realistic behaviors to existing content and environments. The company is particularly skilled at integrating head- and body-motion tracking, clusters of multiple computers, haptic devices as well as photorealistic detail, texturing, animations, color, behaviors, and characteristics, and making conversions without data losses.
“Mechdyne is here to help organizations get the most value from their 3D data and complex simulations,” says Gsell, “We help our customers by designing and delivering all elements of a turn-key solution, including developing content, converting models into stereoscopic applications, and working with architects and interior designers on space planning for large-scale display systems. Our goal is to make sure our clients realize a return on investment with discoveries and experiences that were not previously possible.”